Thursday 22 September 2022

Warner's King - An Underrated Cooking Apple

I know I've posted about this cooking apple before (when we had one that was the same size as my son's head)  but it's such a good cooker it's worth repeating. 

 As I've been trying to add some content to my YouTube channel I thought it might make a good short video to go on there. 

It's a great early (ish) cooking apple that cooks down to a fine fluff. Keeps into the New Year as well which is a great thing with such an early apple. 

What's your favourite early apple?


  1. We have an allotment and the guy on the next plot has been on twenty odd years. He has a magnificent tree, laden with fruit most years and the blossom is outstanding. He always gives me a couple of big bags full every year. I cook them and freeze so we can have pies, crumbles and sponge pudds all year round. The variety is Arthur Turner. I highly recommend if you're looking to plant another tree.

    1. I'll look out for that variety - I've certainly not got it here. That's great when plot holders share produce!


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