Saturday 29 October 2022

October Walkabout!

Another Video!  This time it's a simple video walking around our homestead. 

I try to show what we've been up to in the garden, orchard, coppice and other areas. Also show the growth on the hedge we planted a couple of years ago. 

Let me know if you watch it and if you like this style of video. 

What would you like to see videos on?


  1. Kev, I enjoyed the video. Thank you sharing your property with us.

    Best moment: When you walked through the spider web.

    1. Ha! A spider builds one in that greenhouse door every day at the moment! You'd think one of us would learn!

  2. I loved your garden tour. An incredible variety of edibles. Gorgeous habitat. It is a 'real' space; not perfectly managed like the places with twenty-five gardeners on the payroll. I could relate to weedy bits and the parked cement mixer. This is a working homestead! You are young; I can only imagine how the homestead will look in ten, twenty, thirty more years. Just wow.

    1. It's very real! A little too real at times! Hopefully it'll continue to develop in the right direction and move further forward as my skills increase. Time is often my limiting factor and I need to get better at finishing jobs and at day to day maintentance!


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